Exterior painting in Seattle

Boosting Home Value Through Pre-Sale Painting

In Exterior Painting, General Information, Homeowner Tips, Interior Painting by Rylee Muir2 Comments

Exterior painting project. Painting to increase home value.
Exterior painting project completed by Sound Painting Solutions.

Each house has its own story to tell, and homeowners often grapple with the age-old question of how to maximize their property’s appeal and value when putting it on the market. There are many options you can try when looking to increase your home value, and one solution is a fresh coat of paint. We often hear from people who are looking to repaint before selling their homes. In this blog we will be talking about the potential to boost your homes value through pre-sale painting.

Increased Home Value:

Zillow studies reveal that homes with a freshly painted exteriors tend to sell for more than those with peeling or faded paint, potentially adding to the selling price. It may feel like you shouldn’t invest more into a property that you’re selling, but if you’re looking to maximize the value of your home repainting the interior or exterior is a great option. Repainting the exterior of the home in a place like Seattle will do more than just show off new vibrant colors. This is also an investment in protecting the home from water damage for years to come. In a rainy area like Seattle this can be a huge motivator for purchasing your home over someone else’s.

You will need to weigh out your options on whether or not exterior painting will impact your homes value. Take note of the homes in your area. Are they all freshly painted? Has it been years since a home in your neighborhood has been painted? This should impact your decision and has potential to be a way for you to set your property apart from the other homes in your area.

First Impressions Matter:

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) emphasizes that potential buyers form their initial impressions within moments of entering a home. A well-painted exterior and interior sets the stage for positive perceptions, making the property more memorable and desirable. Having a fresh coat of paint allows buyers to see the space as a blank canvas.

Someone looking to purchase a home could be completely sold on a fresh coat of paint. It livens up the space allowing buyers to create their own ideas of life would be like. We often serve new homeowners who add a fresh coat of paint on the walls right away. If you add a new coat of paint you can use this as a selling point for potential buyers! This allows they to avoid the hassle of hiring a company and repainting the home.

You’re offering peace of mind when you add a fresh and neutral paint job is hard to beat. They are able to walk into the space and see it as move-in ready. If you repaint the exterior of your home before selling it that fresh coat of paint will likely last the homeowners 5-10 years. There is so much that needs to be done when you’re purchasing a new home, and taking painting off of the list is very helpful for buyers.

The Psychology of Color:

Beyond the raw statistics, there’s a psychological aspect to the impact of paint on home buyers. Colors have the ability to draw a certain mood or emotion from people. By choosing your paint colors wisely you can create a very specific environment that draws people in and makes them immediately feel at home.

Neutral tones create a blank canvas, allowing potential buyers to envision it with their style. Neutral tones are often associated with nature or cleanliness, making a neutral white or light brown a good option when you are paining before selling. For a safe and bold color, you could go with a blue. Blue paint tends to make people feel calm. You can create a welcoming and fun environment for potential buyers with the right use of blue paint in your home. To learn more about the impact of colors on mood visit our blog post on this topic here.


So, as you prepare to sell your home, consider the impact of paint. It might be the key to unlocking the full potential of your home and ensuring a faster, more lucrative sale. For help in boosting the value of your home through paint, schedule a free quote on interior or exterior painting today at https://www.soundpaintingsolutions.com/contact-us/


  1. Professional painters have the skills and experience to ensure a high-quality finish that DIY projects often lack.

    1. Author

      I agree! It’s important to hire a professional if you’re looking to get the best results.

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